Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Former TANF: We had former TANF on a pending list to fund for Fall quarter. Now that we are unable to fund former TANF do we not fund these students?

It is our current policy to prioritize resources for current TANF and support former TANF only when there is availability of sufficient resources.

Students who have been awarded WorkFirst Financial Aid as former TANF are still eligible for the resource (funding permitting) for Fall Quarter attendance. All ability to serve former TANF ceases January, 1, 2011.

In order to implement the prioritization of funding for services, we have previously suggested colleges create a campus policy that clearly identifies
1) who has priority for WorkFirst funding,
2) how funding wait lists are developed (when applicable) and managed, and
3) all other pertinent information related to enrollment, class wait lists, and the process for notification of awards.

Without such a policy in place, colleges are obligated (at least to the extent of “may”) by the current WAC 388-310-1800, WorkFirst-Post employment Services which identifies, but is not limited to, the following:

"b) Any Washington state technical and community college can approve a skill-training program for you that will help you advance up the career ladder. Their staff will talk to you, help you decide what training would work best for you and then help you get enrolled in these programs. The college may approve the following types of training for you at any certified institution:
(i) High school/GED,
(ii) Vocational education training,
(iii) Job skills training,
(iv) Adult basic education,
(v) English as a second language training, or
(vi) Pre-employment training."

We would suggest that colleges doing what they can to assist Former TANF students to transition to federal financial aid or another funding source.

Secondly, you may also want to consider the students’ likelihood of transitioning to another funding source when the college is prioritizing students for funding.

Providing funding for just the first quarter of an intended year-long program could be counter-productive to the intended program completion or transition.

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