Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December eJAS release-SBCTC

Good afternoon,


Input from the colleges is an important factor when assessing the effectiveness and operative value of the eJAS system.  Based on information you have shared several import modifications have been programmed and promoted during the month of December.   The eJAS modifications are a result of issues identified by users, system enhancements, and requests from partner agency leads. 


The attached document highlights the changes of particular interest and help to the college system.   We will continue to put forth suggestions and requests on your behalf.


Please let us know if you should have additional questions or concerns.


The State Board WorkFirst Team,


Workforce Education
State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
1300 Quince St. SE
P.O. Box 42495
Olympia, WA 98504-2495
ph: 360-704-4360 fax: 360-704-4418 Fax



Monday, December 14, 2009

eJAS Problem reports

Good Morning,


There are two eJAS problem reports currently being worked by IT Solutions that could affect your process of reporting monthly participation.  Examples are below;


1.    PR 56124 - A client has a JT component opened from 9/1/09 and a scheduled end date of 10/31/09.  The contractor accepts the component on 9/1/09 and then refers back on 9/23/09.  The DSHS case manager closes the component with an actual end date of 9/30/09.  When the contractor views the Multiple Client Monthly Participation page, the Hover date will show 9/1/09 through 9/30/09.  They are expecting to see 9/23/09 which was the refer back date.  When you access the client and look at their individual Client Monthly Participation page, it shows the JT component with a Hover date of 9/1/09 through 9/23/09 for the contractor and then 9/24/09 through 9/30/09 for DSHS.

There are two elements to note; 1) The recent modification in eJAS only de-obligates us from the requirement to report as of the RB date, it does not automatically close the component or enter the Actual End date.  Those two actions must still be completed by the case manager.  Until the fix is implemented you may check the accuracy of the hover date by going to the individual client participation page.


2.     PR 45445- This is one where the DSHS case manager puts in an actual end date on a component to close it, but the system is not assigning that end date to the contractor.  Now this does not happen on all cases, but when it does, it requires a datafix for us to manually put in that end date.  These you can see by looking at the component history.  The component will have an actual end date of say 9/30/2009, but the contractor will show an end date of 00/00/0000.  


Top of Form











Refer Back-Parent Has No Childcare


Bottom of Form

Cases meeting this description should be noted and referred to the EJAS help desk for a datafix to manually enter the date.   Hope this assists in providing some clarification to recent issues.  Please continue to advise should additional circumstances occur.


Thank you,

D. Marie Bruincid:image001.jpg@01C73970.5C04D750
Policy Associate
Workforce Education
State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
1300 Quince St. SE
P.O. Box 42495
Olympia, WA 98504-2495
ph: 360-704-4360 fax: 360-704-4418 Fax




Thursday, December 3, 2009

Exciting! New! WorkFirst blog!

Good Afternoon,

The NEW WorkFirst blog can be found at . This new site hopes to provide you the program information you need in an easily accessible format. We intend to post the following types of information;

Program announcements
Policy changes
Questions & Answers
Archived responses


You will need a Gmail, Google, AIM, or similar account to allow you to comment through the blog. Just follow the instructions on the BlogSpot, and you should have no problem posting comments. Because the blog will archive posts based on subject matter, please be precise with your subject titles to make it easier for everyone to follow.

Please remember that unlike email, everybody will be able to read your comments. And while I will be checking the blog each day, old fashioned email is still the most expedient way to get answers to any questions you may have.

I will also post questions and answers that might be of benefit to all. Like all posts, the blog magically archives them by date and subject for easy search ability.

Thanks so much! I am looking forward to this being a successful tool for WorkFirst providers.

Marie Bruin