Subject: [Workfirst] Participation Suspension/Program Marketing
At the start of this Program Year, there was agreement by the WorkFirst program leadership to utilize data on which parents eligible for the SB 5921 suspension who continued to participate in activities provided by the WorkFirst partners as a factor to determine the funding for the balance of the year. This initial snapshot participation data combined with historical data and trends will be utilized by the WorkFirst Subcabinet to make funding decisions for the balance of the program year.
Given that it’s in the best interest of SBCTC funded CTCs/PCSCs/CBOs to ensure that this data fully reflect participation in the critical education and training services you provide, we recommend the following action steps:
Work with the referring DSHS Community Service Office (CSO) to ensure fall quarter components are coded in eJAS. Components can be coded with future start dates reflecting September class enrollments. DSHS Headquarters will be sending out a heads up through the WF Coordinators asking that CSO WorkFirst staff understand and support the early component coding for students starting fall quarter.
To help ensure parents have the information needed to make informed choices regarding participation options, take a pro-active approach with both your LPA and community partners in marketing your education and training opportunities that include full-time as well as a menu of flexible part-time options for those eligible for the suspension.
Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks
Rick Krauss
WA State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
Policy Associate, Workforce Education